How is the M24 all-terrain board with independent suspension - Ecomobl Electric Skateboards USA

The Ecomobl M24 all-terrain board with independent suspension refers to a skateboard equipped with independent suspension system. This design allows the skateboard to have better shock absorption and stability, making it easier to handle complex terrain and improve riding comfort.


Independent suspension refers to the suspension system in which each wheel is connected to the chassis through an independent suspension arm, so that each wheel can move independently. This design can effectively absorb bumps and shocks on the road, and improve the stability and handling of the vehicle.

M24 independent suspension

For the all-terrain board, the independent suspension design can make it easier to handle bumps, stones, stairs and other complex terrain, and improve riding comfort and safety. In addition, the independent suspension design can also improve the stability of the skateboard, reduce the impact on the rider’s body, and make the ride more enjoyable.


However, it should be noted that although the independent suspension design can improve the ride comfort and stability of the skateboard, it may also increase the weight and complexity of the structure, and require higher maintenance and repair costs. Therefore, when selecting an all-terrain board, the rider needs to balance the advantages and disadvantages of different designs to select the most suitable skateboard for their riding needs.

What is the difference between independent suspension skateboards and ordinary skateboards?

There are some significant differences in design and functionality between independent suspension skateboards and regular skateboards.

  1. the most obvious differences are in the body structure and suspension. Regular skateboards usually have four wheels and no independent suspension system, while independent suspension skateboards have six wheels and are equipped with an independent suspension system. This suspension system uses built-in springs and other mechanisms to maximize stability when gliding and allows the skater to more freely control the center of gravity of the body.
  2. independent suspension skateboards often have more complex foot binding designs. These bindings cleverly secure your feet to the board, providing better support and stability. Ordinary skateboards may use simpler foot fixation methods.
  3. independent suspension skateboards are also different from ordinary skateboards in terms of sliding experience and applicable scenarios. Due to the existence of the independent suspension system, independent suspension skateboards perform better on uneven roads and can provide better stability and comfort. This makes it more suitable for gliding on difficult terrain or uneven roads. Ordinary skateboards may be more suitable for simple gliding and actions on flat roads.

To sum up, there are certain differences between independent suspension skateboards and ordinary skateboards in terms of board structure, suspension system, foot anchor design, sliding experience and applicable scenarios. These differences make independent suspension skateboards more advantageous in providing stability, comfort and control, especially suitable for gliding on complex terrain or uneven roads.

What effect does independent suspension have on skateboard control?

Independent suspension has a significant impact on the handling of a skateboard. Since the independent suspension design allows each wheel to move and respond to terrain changes independently, this greatly enhances the skateboard’s handling and agility.

  1. Independent suspension can provide better ground adaptability. When the skateboard encounters uneven roads, the independent suspension can independently adjust the height and angle of each wheel to ensure that the wheels always maintain optimal contact with the ground. This not only improves the stability of the skateboard, but also makes it easier to maneuver.
  2. Independent suspension can effectively reduce the impact of vibration and impact on skateboard control. During driving, the independent suspension can absorb most of the vibrations and impacts from the ground, reducing the interference of these factors on the skateboard’s control. This allows the rider to focus more on controlling the skateboard, improving control accuracy and stability.
  3. Independent suspension provides better tire grip. Since each wheel can be adjusted independently, you can ensure that the wheel always maintains optimal grip with the ground during driving. This not only improves the acceleration and braking performance of the skateboard, but also makes the skateboard more stable when turning.

How does an independent suspension skateboard perform at high speeds?

The performance of an independent suspension skateboard when gliding at high speeds mainly depends on several key factors: the design of the suspension system, the selection of materials, and the accuracy of debugging.

  1. The design of the suspension system is crucial. A good independent suspension system should be able to maintain structural strength and stability while providing sufficient suspension travel and flexibility. In this way, when gliding at high speed, the suspension system can effectively absorb and disperse the impact from the ground, ensuring the stability of the skateboard and the comfort of the skater.
  2. The choice of material is also very critical. Coasting at high speeds generates a lot of heat and stress, so suspension components need to be made of high-quality materials that can withstand these stresses and heat. For example, some high-performance alloys and composite materials can be used to make suspension arms and shock absorbers to provide better strength and durability.
  3. The accuracy of debugging will also affect the performance of the skateboard when gliding at high speeds. Suspension system tuning should be based on the rider’s weight, skating style, and expected skating environment. By precisely adjusting the parameters of the suspension system, such as the hardness of the shock absorbers and the angle of the suspension arms, the skateboard can be ensured to have optimal handling and stability when gliding at high speeds.

How does an independent suspension skateboard perform on slippery surfaces?

The performance of an independent suspension skateboard on wet roads will be affected by many factors, including the design of the skateboard, the choice of materials, the grip of the tires, and the skill and experience of the skater.

  1. The design and material selection of your skateboard are critical to how it performs on slippery surfaces. A good independent suspension skateboard should have excellent anti-slip and waterproof design, such as anti-skid texture or waterproof coating to increase the grip on slippery roads. In addition, using high-quality anti-slip materials also helps improve the stability and safety of the skateboard.
  2. Tire grip is one of the key factors that determine the performance of a skateboard on wet roads. Some high-quality tire designs have excellent drainage and grip, providing better traction and stability on slippery surfaces. Therefore, choosing tires that are suitable for slippery surfaces is crucial to improving the performance of your skateboard.
  3. The rider’s skill and experience will also have an impact on performance on slippery surfaces. Sliding on slippery surfaces requires greater balance and control, so skaters need to have certain skills and experience to deal with emergencies, such as the sudden appearance of standing water or slippery surfaces.

What difficult moves can be performed on an independent suspension skateboard?

Due to its special design and structure, independent suspension skateboards can indeed support some difficult movements and skills. However, it needs to be clear that difficult skateboarding moves depend not only on the board itself, but also on the rider’s skill, balance, courage, and practice time.

Here are some difficult moves that a freestanding hangboard might support:

1. Ollie

This is the basic jumping move in skateboarding. By pushing off with the back foot, the skateboard and rider jump up together, demonstrating excellent balance and coordination.

2. Grind

This includes gliding along curbs, railings, or other obstacles. The wheel configuration of an independent suspension skateboard may make certain edging maneuvers smoother and more stable.

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3. Slide

Whether it is powder sliding, lateral sliding or other forms of sliding, independent suspension skateboards can provide better stability and control to help skaters complete these actions.

4. Gap Jump

This involves jumping from one object to another, requiring excellent spatial awareness and courage. Independent suspension skateboards can help riders better absorb the impact of landing.

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5. Railslide

This is the technique of sliding along a rail or other vertical obstacle. The design of independent suspension skateboards may make this glide smoother.

However, it’s important to note that although a standalone hangboard has the ability to support these difficult moves, it doesn’t mean that every beginner can perform them right away. These moves require long practice, correct technique and a healthy dose of courage. Beginners should start with basic moves and gradually increase the difficulty, making sure to practice in a safe environment.

Finally, no matter what kind of difficult moves you perform, safety always comes first. Make sure you wear the appropriate protective gear, such as a helmet, knee and elbow pads, and practice while being familiar with and understanding skateboarding techniques.

Are independent suspension skateboards suitable for beginners?

Independent suspension skateboards are a relatively good choice for beginners, but there are some factors to consider.

  1. The design of independent suspension skateboards can provide better stability and comfort, which is very important for beginners. Due to the existence of the suspension system, it can absorb the impact caused by uneven ground, reduce the risk of injury to the skater, and improve the smoothness of the glide. This is a big help for beginners as they are still learning how to master balance and control their skateboard.
  2. Independent suspension skateboards are usually equipped with wider skateboard decks and softer tires, which help provide a larger contact area and better grip, increasing the stability of sliding. This is important for beginners as they are still getting familiar with skateboard controls and techniques.
  3. Independent suspension skateboards can also present some challenges. Due to its relatively complex structure and suspension system, beginners may need some time to adapt to and master the handling of a skateboard. In addition, the price of independent suspension skateboards is usually higher than that of ordinary skateboards, which also requires beginners to consider their own budget.

To sum up, independent suspension skateboards are a relatively good choice for beginners, especially those who want better stability and comfort. However, beginners should consider their budget, learning goals, and personal preferences when choosing a skateboard to choose the one that is best for them. At the same time, no matter which skateboard they choose, beginners need to remain patient and practice consistently to gradually improve their skating skills and balance ability.

Post time: 04-17-2024