I love everything else about the M24 Pro off road electric mountainboard - Ecomobl Electric Skateboards USA

I love everything else about the M24 Pro off road electric mountainboard - Ecomobl Electric Skateboards USA

The board is brand new and over $2300 USD. I should be able to get on and ride without concerns. I love everything else about the M24 Pro off road electric mountainboard , especially the suspension upgrade and increased turning ability compared to the previous model.

current version (M24Pro) is a vast improvement from earlier versions. The suspension design is spot on and you can now turn much better. Larger tires allow you to tackle rough terrain and also provide an excellent ride.

Here we go. I’ve put on about 37 miles so far on my new M24Pro board. Love everything about this board (previously had a 2nd Gen M24).

–Rusty Cline